Branding Deep Dive with Ahmed Cheema
The branding deep dive podcast is a podcast where we have in-depth discussions with founders, marketers, and brand strategists on how to build a brand that people love. The host is Ahmed Cheema, a brand strategist.
Check out our website for more branding and marketing content:
Branding Deep Dive with Ahmed Cheema
42. How to Build Your Own Brand with Lisa Staff and Deevo Tindall
Today we’re talking to Lisa Staff and Deevo Tindall. Lisa and Deevo are award winning photographers who came together to start Sprout connectors which is a full service creative agency with a focus on social media management and content storytelling. They help small businesses strategically use social media to grow their brand.
In this episode we dive deep into the principles behind developing your own brand and voice on social media. How do you actually put yourself out there and get past the mental barriers that come with the territory?
If you’ve been sitting on the sideline waiting for the perfect moment to start putting yourself out there, this episode is a must listen.
Key Lessons:
1. Don’t give into comparisonitis - develop your own voice
2. Leverage the power of collective consciousness - surround yourself with people on the same mission as you and you’ll be surprised how much you’re able to grow compared to trying to do it all alone
Sprout Connectors:
A little Impolite Podcast:
Lisa Instagram:
Deevo Instagram: